OBC Cell



As per the requirements of AICTE regarding formation of OBC Committee/Cell at our institution OBC Committee /Cell is constituted. The members of the committee are as follows:

Role and Responsibilities of the Committee members:

1. The OBC Committee/Cell will monitor and endeavor to resolve issues / grievances relating to OBC students and staff at the Institution level.
2. The complaint if any will be forwarded to the said committee/ cell.
3. The said committee/cell will look into the complaint and call the concerned complainant personally for hearing the grievance.
4. The coordinator will forward their report in the sealed envelope to the Principal within one week from the date of the receipt of complaint.
5. Coordinator will prepare and maintain the record of work as per the guidelines.



The members of OBC Cell are as follows :


Sr. No.Name of the MemberDesignationRole
01. Dr. Y. R. Kharde Principal Chairperson
02. Mr. A. B. Kale HoD Mech. Dept. Member
03. Smt. V. V. Yewale Asst. Prof. Civil Dept Member
04. Mr. Suraj Haridas Chinchkar Student Civil Dept. Member
05. Smt. A. K. Khetmalis Asst. Prof. Engg. Science Member Coordinator