Discipline Committee



Role and Responsibilities of the Committee members:

1. To maintain and enforce strict discipline within the college campus.
2. All the students should wear their ID Cards while they are in the campus and their respective class rooms.
3. In case of any violation of dress code or disturbance in the class, the ID card will be confiscated from the student which will be handed over to the student on the same day with a warning and advice from the Disciplinary Committee Members.
4. During lecture and practical hours students must be seated in the classroom or laboratories only. No single student should seat in parking area, canteen and in the campus. To ensure that all the students attend classes without bunking and prevent them from leaving the college early. Please note that no student can leave the college early without prior permission from the concerned authorities.
5. In case of any misbehavior or violation of the college rules, the ID cards of the students will be kept with the Disciplinary Committee Members till the enquiry is over.
6. To enforce total prohibition of playing music on cell phone by the students within the college campus. If a student is found playing loud music on a cell phone, it will be taken away and handed over to the Principal.



In order to maintain discipline in the institute a Discipline Committee is formed. The members of Discipline Committee are as follows :/span>


Dr. Y. R. Kharde (Principal) Chairperson
Er. S. M. Walke (HOD, E&TC Dept) Member
Er. A. B. Kale (HOD, Mech Dept) Member
Er. A. G. Dekhane (Mech Dept) Member
Er. D. A. Ghanwat (E&TC Dept) Member
Mr. S. S. Parande (Engg Science Dept) Member
Mr. A. M. Handal Member Co-ordinator