Institution has created an ecosystem for initiatives of creation and transfer of knowledge
Sr. No. | Application Number | Title | Inventor | Patent File Date | Remark |
01. | 2020102710 | IMTH-Bio Medical Waste Management using IOT | Shila R.Pawar | 14/10/2020 | Awarded |
02. | 202021048461 | IPMD-Plant disease detection | Shila R.Pawar | 6/11/2020 | Filed |
03. | 202021053081 | ICMN-Object Detection System | Shila R.Pawar | 6/12/2020 | Filed |
04. | 2020104193 | Intelligent Chat bot System | Shila R.Pawar | 20/12/2020 | Filed |
05. | 202021048461 | IPMD-Plant disease detection | Dr.H.B.Jadhav | 6/11/2020 | Filed |
06. | 22887 | A Tractor Attachable equipment for Harvesting of Onions | Dr. M. P. Nagarkar Dr. R. S. Deshpande Mr. H. B. Pawar Mr. A. I. Tarde |
31/05/2019 | Filed |
07. | 311580 | Castellated Beam | Mr. A. S. Shaikh | 31/10/2018 | Awarded |
08. | 304777 | Support Assembly for Beam Testing | Mr. A. S. Shaikh | 31/10/2018 | Awarded |
09. | 310949 | Castellated Beam 1 | Mr. A.S. Shaikh | 13/10/2018 | Awarded |
10. | 310961 | Castellated Beam 2 | Mr. A.S. Shaikh | 13/10/2018 | Awarded |
11. | 311579 | Coupling of reinforced Bar 1 | Mr. A.S. Shaikh | 13/10/2018 | Filed |
12. | 311578 | Coupling of reinforced Bar 2 | Mr. A.S. Shaikh | 13/10/2018 | Filed |
13. | 202211021619 | Nano Fluid for Industrial Applications | Dr. Y.R. Kharde | 11/04/2022 | Published |
14. | 420277-001 | AI Based Stock Market Prediction Device | Mr. S.P. Vidhate | 16/06/2024 | Awarded |
15. | 202421099452A | CHAIN GUARD IOT: SECURE IOT DEVICE MANAGEMENT WITH BLOCKCHAIN | S.A. Wanave | 16/12/2024 | Awarded |
16. | 404768-001 | Concrete Cube Testing Mould | V.V. Yewale | 17/01/2024 | Awarded |