Sr. No.
Teacher Name
Paper Title
Area Domain
Year Of Publication
Publication Name
1 |
Ms. A. R. Mane |
Recent Advancements in Deep Learning |
Deep Learning |
2022-23 |
2 |
Ms. A. R. Mane |
5G & IoT |
2022-23 |
3 |
Mr. S. M. Palaskar |
Effect of SCBA & GGBFS on the performance of binary and ternary blended concrete |
Concrete Technology |
2022-23 |
Research on Engineering Structures & materials |
4 |
Ms. P.S.Kohakade |
Enriching Trustworthy trade in decentralized system using blockchain |
Block-chain Technology |
2022-23 |
ICSTSN-2023 |
5 |
Ms. P.S.Kohakade |
Deep Learning |
2022-23 |
International Journal of Innovative research in technology |
6 |
Mr. M. D. Mandhre |
Modification In Fixture Design For Telescopic Shaft Which Manufacturing On Milling Machine |
Milling Machines |
2022-23 |
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology |
7 |
Ms. N. B. Gade |
Survey on supply chain management using blockcahin |
Block-chain Technology |
2022-23 |
International Research Journal Of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science, Irjmets |
8 |
Ms. N. B. Gade |
Waste Food Donation App |
Android Development |
2022-23 |
International Research Journal Of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science, Irjmets |
9 |
Ms. N. B. Gade |
Android App Development |
2022-23 |
International Journal of Current Science |
10 |
Dr.Y.R.Kharde |
Experimental Investigation on Performance of Cotton seed biofuel blended with diesel on variable com |
Biofuel Engine Research |
2022-23 |
Elsvier |
11 |
Dr.Y.R.Kharde |
Combined Effect of DEE and Jatropha biodiesel-diesel fuel blends on enhancement of VCR diesel engine |
Biodiesel Fuel Technology |
2022-23 |
Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering -TEMC |
12 |
Mrs. K.S.Bhole |
Survey towards Banking System Transaction with hybrid biometric verification |
Image processing & Security |
2023-24 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE) |
13 |
Mr. P.G. Nikam |
Advancement In The Phytoremediation Treatment System |
Environmental Engineering /Waste Water Treatment |
2023-24 |
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science |
14 |
Mr. P.G. Nikam |
Analysis Of Microplastic Pollution In The River Water And In The Sediments Of The River |
Environmental Engineering /Waste Water Treatment |
2023-24 |
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science |
15 |
Mr. R.A. Ghadage |
Plant Disease Prediction Application Using Deep Learning |
Deep Learning |
2023-24 |
Journal Of Emerging Technology & Innovative Research(JETIR) |
16 |
Mr. R.A. Ghadage |
Smart Plate Access Control |
Machine Learing |
2023-24 |
International Journal Of Scientific Research in Engineering & Management |
17 |
Mr. R.A. Ghadage |
HOMMIE conversational AI Assistance |
Natural Language processing |
2023-24 |
Journal Of Emerging Technology & Innovative Research(JETIR) |
18 |
Mrs.P.S.Kohakade |
Smart Trolley & Billing System |
IoT |
2023-24 |
19 |
Mrs.P.S.Kohakade |
Multi-Classifier Fire & Smoke Detection System Using In Deep Learning |
Machine Learing |
2023-24 |
International journal of Current Science(IJCSPUB) |
20 |
Mrs.P.S.Kohakade |
Pothole & Road Hump Detection Using Deep Learning |
Machine Learing |
2023-24 |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management |
21 |
Mrs. S.P.Rachcha |
An Alaytical Review of Deep Learning-Based Pothole Detection System |
Machine Learing |
2023-24 |
Internatioanl Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET) |
22 |
Mr. A.R.Pardeshi |
Partial Replacement of Course Aggregate with Coconut Shell |
Structural Civil Engineering |
2023-24 |
International Resarch Journal of Modernization in Engineering and Science (IRJMETS) |
23 |
Mr.M.D.Mandhare |
Enhancement Mechanical Properties of CI200 Material using Magnetic Field |
Composite Material |
2023-24 |
Journals of Mines, Metals and Fuels |
24 |
Mr.M.D.Mandhare & Mr. S.P.Jathar |
Study and Observation of Hardness of Aluminium Material by End Quenching |
Material Engineering |
2023-24 |
International Resarch Journal of Modernization in Engineering and Science (IRJMETS) |
25 |
Mr. A.R.Pardeshi |
Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Crushed Glass |
Structural Civil Engineering |
2023-24 |
International Resarch Journal of Modernization in Engineering and Science (IRJMETS) |
26 |
Mrs. V.V.Jagtap |
Wellnest: nurturing well-being with artificial intelligence |
Artificial Intelligence |
2023-24 |
International Journal of Current Science(IJCSPUB) |
27 |
Mrs. V.V.Jagtap |
Solar Panel Fault Detection System Using Deep Learning |
Deep Learning |
2023-24 |
Journal Of Emerging Technology & Innovative Research(JETIR) |
28 |
Mrs. N.B.Gade |
E-Voting System Using Blockchain |
Blockchain Technology |
2023-24 |
29 |
Mrs. N.B.Gade |
Trustworthy E-KYC System Using Blockchain |
Blockchain Technology |
2023-24 |
30 |
Mr. S.M.Palaskar |
Effect of SCBA and GGBFS on mechanical properties and microstructure of concrete under elevated temp |
Concrete Technology |
2023-24 |
Elsevier |
31 |
Mr.S.A.Jagtap |
Case Study on Smog Free City |
Environmental Sustainability |
2023-24 |
32 |
Mr.S.A.Jagtap |
Comparing Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection Using Remote Sensing and GIS in Nepti Village |
Environmental Sustainability |
2023-24 |
International Resarch Journal of Modernization in Engineering and Science (IRJMETS) |
33 |
Mr.A.S.Kamble |
Eco-Friendly Grains Storing Structure with Optimum Use of Bamboo Cross-Section |
Environmental Sustainability |
2023-24 |
International Resarch Journal of Modernization in Engineering and Science (IRJMETS) |
34 |
Mr.A.G.Dekhane |
Solar Power Operated Sugar cane Lifting Machine |
Machine Design |
2023-24 |
35 |
Dr. Y.R. Kharde |
Cerium Oxide Blended : Machine Learning & Response Surface Mythology for Prediction Of Responses |
Biodiesel Tech & ML |
2023-24 |
International Journal Of Automotive Sci. & Technology |